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Welcome aboard the Kainan University Freshmen Orientation for the 112th academic year! ✈️✈️✈️

​​ Welcome aboard the Kainan University Freshmen Orientation for the 112th academic year! ✈️✈️✈️

Congratulations to all the new students for becoming a part of the Kainan University family. To help you quickly adapt to campus life, we invite all freshmen to join us on September 15th, guided by senior students, for an exciting journey! 💁💁

- Undergraduate Program: 112/9/15 (Friday) 08:30-15:00

- Continuing Education Bachelor's Program: 112/9/15 (Friday) 18:30-20:00

- Undergraduate Program: Front Circle of the Administration Building

- Continuing Education Bachelor's Program: Central River Hall of the Administration Building


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